Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day Trip

Traveling is a very interesting experience as vehicles share the road with animals. The biggest traffic jams occur when the water buffalo are coming in from the fields. It is also crazy to look out the window as you pass an ox drawn cart!

We traveled to a little village about 5 hours from where we were staying for a pastors' seminar. During worship, the pastors and their wives washed our feet which was such an incredible time. We were all so deeply touched by their love and humility! What an incredible day!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009


We went into a nearby town to do some shopping tonight! It was quite an experience. You just sit there while the shop owners throw a bunch of stuff in front of you for you to look at. I was able to get 3 punjabis and look forward to wearing them. It was so much fun!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I had the opportunity to go to two different churches my first Sunday in India. We got to pray over so many people in both churches which I really enjoyed and joined the children's Sunday School for a little bit in one of the churches. It was so touching to see these people pouring their hearts out to God with such fervency as He touched their hearts! I fell in love with the people of India this morning!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Last day of the children's conference

To wrap up the time with the kids, we had a "Blessing Tunnel" where we lined the center aisle with the leaders and had each child walk through the line while we laid hands on them as we prayed blessings on them. It was awesome!!! It is amazing how smoothly it went and how quiet the children remained throughout the time it took to get a couple hundred children through the line. The conference was wonderful as the children encountered the Lord in incredible ways! But this was my favorite part!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fun with the children!!!

In between sessions of the Children's Conference today, we went to the tent where the children were being fed lunch. As we went around taking pictures and visiting, a few of the girls decided to make me an Indian. By the time they were done, I had the hair and earring jewelry seen in this picture as well as two different necklaces. It was so much fun!!!

In the Children's conference today, we had close to 500 children!!!!!!! It was an incredible time and the children were very much engaged! It was so cool to see them praying for each other and we had several testimonies of children experiencing healing this afternoon!!! We are looking forward to what God is going to do in tomorrow's sessions with these kids!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Special blessings!

After a time of ministry at the end of the Pastors' Conference, we were able to be a part of blessing several of the pastors. The coaches received a small bag, and several of the tribal pastors were given bicycles which will increase the effectiveness of their ministry in their areas. Where they were able to reach 40 villages on foot, they will now be ministering in up to 200 villages.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A whole new world!!!

Sharing the road with goats, cows and water buffalo takes some getting used to! But I am LOVING every minute of it!!!! We started the Pastors' Conference today which was really great. There are close to 100 pastors attending from all around the region. Some have traveled 6-8 hours to be here! Their passion and devotion to the Lord is inspiring!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Welcome to India

Arrival at our final destination!!! After 43 hours of traveling, we were greeted by the children upon our arrival at the children's home. It was really great to finally arrive. It's going to be a great trip!!!