These are the littles that hold my heart back home - Batman joined our family when he was 8 months old and has been such a source of joy ever since!!! He was followed a few months later by his sister, our very first (and for the moment, only) little Princess! She arrived just 3 days old and so tiny, but she has been a beautiful little firecracker from the start!!! Mr. Happy was the next to become one of ours, joining us the week of Thanksgiving at just a couple months old. I love hearing him call my name and wanting me to ""!!! And then there's Little Man, who made his debut in the wee hours of the morning on the 4th of July almost 2 years ago! Hearing his voice and/or seeing his smile melts my heart every time!!!!
It's hard to believe that it's been 5 years since we had our first baby added to the family. We've been blessed with 4 of the cutest sweethearts in the world (not that I'm biased or anything)!!! No matter what is going on in my life, these faces will brighten my day every time!!! Love them each SO much!!!!!