Friday, January 16, 2009

God still heals

Almost 9 years ago, I suffered from a debillitating headache that doctors could not clearly explain or effectively treat. During that time, I experienced severe pain in the joints of my legs which revealed the bone in my hips had died. After surgery on both hips, a blood clot that hit my lungs and threatened my life, and 4 lengthy hospital stays, God healed my head 9 1/2 months after the pain began!

I dealt with hip pain off and on for 4 years before I developed the same condition in both shoulders. The pain started in August of 2005, and by November, I'd had surgery on both shoulders with no relief. I was unable to drive, do my laundry, or open doors. Simply doing my hair was incredibly painful and difficult! By March of 2006, with the pain in both hips and both shoulders, I was forced to take a medical leave of absence from work. In June, when the pain in my hips made a wheelchair necessary to get around, I lost my job and became pretty much homebound! A year after the pain had started, I found myself on the way to the Mayo Clinic in Arizona desperately hoping for some answers and relief. I left several weeks later without either!!!

Discouraged by the medical community's inability to help in any way, I was determined to start "living again" as best I could, despite the pain, and wait on God. By the end of November 2006, I stopped using the wheelchair though the pain in my hips was intense, but in February 2007, God healed my hips which have been pain free for almost 2 years! Still limited by severe shoulder pain, I followed God's call to be a part of a mission team going to Honduras in March! Despite the pain, it was an incredible trip and I was amazed at how God strengthened me throughout the week. I returned for 2 weeks in the summer and also went on a 10 day trip to Haiti in December of last year. Each trip was wonderful, and though I had not yet experienced healing in my shoulders, I encountered God in powerful ways.

At the beginning of 2008, I began dealing with God on several heart issues that I was desperate to work through. After a time of fasting, I went to a Bill Johnson conference where God's power was at work. On the last night, for the first time in over 2 years, the pain in my right shoulder was gone!!! The pain in my left shoulder was still there, but significantly less than what it had been. I woke up the next day with the pain the lowest it had been since it had begun. By the next afternoon, I was completely pain free!!! It's been almost a year now and the pain has not returned! I am still so amazed, and forever thankful for God's goodness and mercy!!!